Wow, have I ever underestimated how much water it really takes to run a human body efficiently!
For the last two weeks I've been drinking over three quarts a day and its done wonders.
Our bodies are estimated to be about 70 to 80 percent water. Our muscles, lungs and blood are mostly comprised of water. Water regulates our body temperature, transports oxygen to our cells, cleans out impurities and believe it or not revs up the metabolism.
Without enough water, we become dehydrated, which reduces blood volume, that in turn means less oxygen is getting to our muscles. Unfortunately our bodies are slow to warn us of dehydration; the saying goes that if you're thirsty you're already dehydrated.
A good rule of thumb is to drink one half ounce of water for every pound of body weight. So while the old eight glasses that we're used to might work for many people, its not enough for the likes of a 200 lb guy like me.
So go ahead, have a glass of good clean water, or two or ten- its refreshing, cheap and really good for you!
One Mans Quest
I'm a fifty two year old guy who started going to the gym about four years ago in the hopes of reengineering my body mind and life. I've not really lost weight, but I have managed to get my body fat down to less than 10% which is surprising. I can't imagine a life without exercise now, but to stay focused it's necessary to constantly mix things up and make it challenging and fun. These blogs are some of the things I've learned- what has worked, what hasn't and some of the wacky ways I've found to stay fit. enjoy!
Disclaimer! please read!- I'm not a trainer, and certainly don't profess to be ay kind of expert, I'm writing about my personal experiences and highly recommend that if you want to try my routines, you consult a professional trainer.