One Mans Quest

I'm a fifty two year old guy who started going to the gym about four years ago in the hopes of reengineering my body mind and life. I've not really lost weight, but I have managed to get my body fat down to less than 10% which is surprising. I can't imagine a life without exercise now, but to stay focused it's necessary to constantly mix things up and make it challenging and fun. These blogs are some of the things I've learned- what has worked, what hasn't and some of the wacky ways I've found to stay fit. enjoy!

Disclaimer! please read!- I'm not a trainer, and certainly don't profess to be ay kind of expert, I'm writing about my personal experiences and highly recommend that if you want to try my routines, you consult a professional trainer.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sunday- upper body pick-up

Abs/Core- no rest between sets

Plank- 60 seconds
Mountain climber- 30 reps
Plank 60 seconds
Crunches on swiss ball- 30 reps
Plank 60 seconds

Upper body

Rotator cuffs with bands- 8 sets
Dumb bell bench press superset with dumbbell flies- 3 sets
Incline dumbbell bench press superset with incline flies- 3 sets
Wide grip rows superset with narrow grip rows- 3 sets
Wide grip pull ups- as many as possible, then straight to wide grip lat pull downs superset with
one arm bent over rows- 4 sets

Seated dips- 100 reps in drop set format (heavy to light)

Finish up with barbell bench press- 100 reps in drop set format

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