That's what my mum used to tell me when I was a kid and because she was right (think- tall lanky version of Winne the Pooh) I never embraced running the way some people do. So a little over a week away from turning fifty, I thought I'd give it another go.
My very fit wife- a really great runner was the inspiration for this latest punishment to my shins, and because we drove to the gym together and I was done with my work-out before her, I thought I'd run a mile on the treadmill and see how it felt. "What the hell", I figured, "I can do 3 miles on the elliptical in less than 20 minutes- how hard can it be?" Turns out, its very different to the elliptical; first off, if you have no grace- like me, it really hurts your shins. Secondly, if you have no grace like me and you're a little over 200lbs, you tend to sound a bit like an elephant thudding around the place (or a giant bear).
Well, I persevered and ran just over a mile in about 10 minutes-(okay, that doesn't sound like a very fit man, but hey, I'm still carrying the teddy bear thing). The next time (last Tuesday), I decided to do it again and take some of my wife's advice about lowering your center of gravity and trying to land lighter etc and some of that other "barefoot" running stuff. The result- not bad, I made 2.1 miles in about 20 minutes.

Trouble is, I'm very competitive with myself- and once I do something, I just have to do it again only better and faster. Today, I made 2.4 miles in 20 minutes and I think, (though I cant be sure) that I was a bit quieter. And you know what, I loved it- I got into some kind of rhythm and I could see what people mean when they say it's so freeing. Not only that, but it warmed me up nicely for my weight lifting.
I think I'll keep up the running and will probably continue being obsessed with increasing the speed and form till I find the next craze, or at least till I run less like Winnie the Pooh.