One Mans Quest

I'm a fifty two year old guy who started going to the gym about four years ago in the hopes of reengineering my body mind and life. I've not really lost weight, but I have managed to get my body fat down to less than 10% which is surprising. I can't imagine a life without exercise now, but to stay focused it's necessary to constantly mix things up and make it challenging and fun. These blogs are some of the things I've learned- what has worked, what hasn't and some of the wacky ways I've found to stay fit. enjoy!

Disclaimer! please read!- I'm not a trainer, and certainly don't profess to be ay kind of expert, I'm writing about my personal experiences and highly recommend that if you want to try my routines, you consult a professional trainer.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Russian Twists and Medicine Ball decline crunch

A quick visit to the gym this morning (an anomaly for Saturday) but got in 20 minutes of running and some core work.

Here's part of what I did:

Russian Twist: 
  1. Sit on a mat and hold feet out in front, but elevated slightly off the ground (balancing on the butt)
  2. Hold a medicine ball in front, and rotate shoulders to the left. hold the position for a breath then rotate to the right- hold again. (keeping feet elevated)
  3. 3 sets of 30 reps - 15 per side 

Medicine ball decline crunch: 

  1. Lie on a decline bench and secure legs in the end
  2. Hold a medicine ball at chest
  3. Push the small of back down against the bench so to isolate abdominal muscles
  4. Contract abs and lift shoulders off of the bench, while simultaneously pushing the medicine ball towards the ceiling
  5. Hold the position, then inhale and lower shoulders down at a controlled speed.
  6. 3 sets of 30 reps.

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