At 6'-6" I've always had a tendency to stoop. In the last ten years or so, that stoop has become more of a slouch. Since I've been working out, I've focused hard on posture and core strength, but still have a ways to go.
Here's one of my favorite exercises to strengthen core, abs hips and back- you don't need a gym for this one:
- Start by lying face down on an exercise mat. Place your elbows and forearms underneath your chest.
- Prop yourself up to form a bridge using your toes and forearms.
- Keep your back straight and do not allow your hips to sag towards the ground (think plank of wood).
- Hold this position and focus on tightening your abs until you can no longer maintain a flat bridge. You can start with 10 seconds and work up to 3 minutes. if that becomes too easy, try elevating your feet on a stool!
- Remember to not let your hips and back sag. If you don't keep a straight line, it wont do much for you and you could injure your back
Side Plank:
- Lie on your side with your right hand on an exercise mat. For beginners, you might want to begin this exercise on your elbow.
- Lift yourself up to form a plank with your right arm straight and your left arm on your side.
- Hold this position and focus on a straight line (plank of wood?) Repeat with the other side.
- Remember to keep your body in a straight line, tightening your abs and butt muscles. You might want to start in front of a mirror to learn the technique.
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